Do It Yourself Advertising and Promotion
Thursday, December 24, 2009
, Posted by Guro Ji at 5:07 AM
How to Produce Great Ads, Brochures, Catalogs, Direct Mail, Web Sites, and More!
Third Edition
By Fred E. Hahn With Tom Davis, Bob Killian, and Ken Magill
ISBN 0-471-27350-3

Third Edition
By Fred E. Hahn With Tom Davis, Bob Killian, and Ken Magill
ISBN 0-471-27350-3
Because “advertising” and “promotion” are often used interchangeably, even by professionals, some definitions may be helpful.
In ordinary use, “promotion” is everything that is done to help sell a product or service in every step of the sales chain, from the presentation materials a salesperson uses during a sales call to the television commercial or newspaper advertisement that tries to get the customer to think favorably about what is being advertised. Technically speaking, however, “advertising” is responsible for “space” or “print”—that is, newspaper and magazine ads, Internet advertising, radio and television commercials, and direct mail and other “direct response” activities, plus catalogs and billboards. “Promotion” is responsible for everything else in this area except public relations and publicity. These last two may be assigned to an independent department or to either advertising or promotion, depending on the make-up of the company or organization. Because job titles and department designations are quite arbitrary, a detailed job description is highly desirable to avoid turf battles when more than one person or department does any of the above.
Throughout this book, you will find “insights” that are meant to be both aids to memory and actual guidelines to action.
In ordinary use, “promotion” is everything that is done to help sell a product or service in every step of the sales chain, from the presentation materials a salesperson uses during a sales call to the television commercial or newspaper advertisement that tries to get the customer to think favorably about what is being advertised. Technically speaking, however, “advertising” is responsible for “space” or “print”—that is, newspaper and magazine ads, Internet advertising, radio and television commercials, and direct mail and other “direct response” activities, plus catalogs and billboards. “Promotion” is responsible for everything else in this area except public relations and publicity. These last two may be assigned to an independent department or to either advertising or promotion, depending on the make-up of the company or organization. Because job titles and department designations are quite arbitrary, a detailed job description is highly desirable to avoid turf battles when more than one person or department does any of the above.
Throughout this book, you will find “insights” that are meant to be both aids to memory and actual guidelines to action.
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