FREE Romeo and Juliet
Thursday, December 24, 2009
, Posted by Guro Ji at 12:00 PM
FREE Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet (1594)
A Play by William Shakespeare
Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" was performed around 1595 and published in 1597 in a quarto claiming on its title page that it was printed by John Danter. The present volume is a photographic facsimile of this text. Evidence, discussed in the introduction, suggests that Danter printed only 40% of the book and the remaining 60% was printed by Edward Allde. The relationship of this First Quarto to the Second Quarto printed in 1599 is considered. The text reproduced here includes in the margins through-line numbering both for the Quarto and for the equivalent passages in the 1623 Folio, and a table is appended which matches the Quarto pages and line numbers with the act, scene, and line numbers of the Riverside Shakespeare.
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