Personal Development

Thursday, December 24, 2009 , Posted by Guro Ji at 8:08 AM

Personal Development

  • The Love for Manufactured Things by Xavier Molina

    “That’s a poem’s book but it is not a sweet or romantical collection of nice poems, it’s about real problems of current people. For example one poem called ‘Without noise’ is based on a interview I saw on tv made to an USA soldier in Irak, ‘Colors’ is about religion and crime, ‘Reproaches’ deals with couples’ lack of understanding and so on. I know poetry is not a very interesting thing for readers but anyway I should try.”
  • Success Marking Scheme by Anthony Samuel

    People have always been struggling in pursuit of success for ages. Success has always tried it’s best to evade them and they have always been downcast. It would not be the same if people knew the secret behind every success. If you knew the ingredients of your favorite soft drink, you would make it at home. Imagine serving a crowd of visitors in your home with your own produced soft drink tasting as good as that you normally buy from the shops. That could be a very good feeling. The truth is, this is very possible. But the ingredients are a secret to the manufacturers. However that still does not make it an impossibility. If you got the ingredients and followed the recipe, am sure you will make the exact same soft drink.
  • What You MUST Do To Set in Motion The Law of Attraction! by Tamara Baruhovich

    What You Must Do to Set in Motion The Law of Attraction. After reading this little ebook you will finally understand WHY the Law of Attraction doesn’t work for many people. But most importantly, you will know what you MUST do to activate this powerful law to start attracting to YOUR life all the things you’ve been dreaming of!
  • Career Satisfaction From Within by Chris Edgar

    This book takes a spiritual approach to creating lasting career satisfaction by helping readers cultivate an inner sense of wholeness. This feeling of completeness helps people transcend the anxieties that prevent them from finding focus and passion in their work. The exercises in the book, which largely involve visualization, meditation and conscious breathing, help readers realize that they are complete and worthwhile beings, no matter what their career situations.
  • The Alchemy of Abundance by Dax Fiddes

    In The Alchemy of Abundance book, you will learn powerful principles and methods to transform your life and create abundance. Rather than teach you how to attract money and prosperity; it will show you how to create it through Higher Purpose. Forget the Law of Attraction, affirmations and positive thinking; you will learn that the greatest secret to creating true prosperity is to serve others with your special gifts and talents. True prosperity consciousness is only achieved when you:
    * Understand the metaphysical principles that govern the Universe

    * Learn how to tap into your Inner Power - intention, intuition and imagination

    * Discover how to manifest your intentions powerfully and effectively

    * Align with your Higher Purpose and actualize it through service to others

  • No More Shyness
    Shyness is an ever-increasing problem and fostered, many feel, by the technology available nowadays. Online dating, email, and virtual anonymity are realities in today’s world. For most of us, these are merely conveniences; but for many, these are simply ways to avoid directly connecting to others. They are literally in hiding from the world. Reaching out and touching someone is terrifying to the seriously shy and socially phobic. There’s much less awkwardness when dealing with others via the internet. No one would see them or hear them; they feel safe.
  • A guide to making personal life changes by Mike Reeves-McMillan
    A guide to making personal life changes, including techniques for managing emotions, changing habits and making a change plan. The author is a hypnotherapist and health coach, and emphasizes simple, practical techniques which are useful in everyday life. Learn why your brain resists change, how you can change anyway, and when is the best time to make significant life changes.
  • The 5 inspirations by presents an e-book on 5 inspirational and useful topics for spiritual development.
  • Focus - The Key To Success Free Ebook

    One Skill That Helps You To Become Super Successful in Everything You Do - Love, Business, Relationship, Anything!
  • Four Leaf Clovers

    This book was written by Roberta MacDonald, senior vice president of marketing for Cabot Creamery Cooperative on the simple joy and pleasure of searching for four-leaf clovers. Written in 1988, reprinted in 2003 and again in 2007, MacDonald’s book is a lighthearted yet techinical look at how to search for four-leaf clovers. More importantly, it’s a guide to introspection and contemplation — two things seemingly lacking today due to life’s everyday demands and distractions. Although ostensibly about how to search for four-leaf clovers, this guide quietly offers subtle instruction in another search: how to relax and sample what’s really meaningful in life. Roberta MacDonald has written a pleasantly whimsical tract about the art of contemplation. Her advice is specific, and its implications are as much philosophical as horticultural.

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